32 research outputs found

    Analysis of the final cover behavior on landfill Leskovec, Novo mesto

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    My thesis investigates the stability of the top cover on municipal non-hazardous waste landfill Leskovec in Novo Mesto. The final cover system represents a very important part of the municipal landfill in its closing stages. Overall, this system requires special attention from the initial design stage through material selection, construction, postconstruction monitoring etc. In dealing with the subject of the final landfill cover systems, we have to consider the legislation that regulates design, construction, selection of materials, maintenance procedures, operational phase, monitoring of the environmental impacts etc. Regulations in individual countries differ and are becoming increasingly stringent, especially in the field of waste recycling I performed the stability analysis, where I evaluated the inflence of the underground water level to the safety of the cover structure. I also designed the anchoring trench for the geosynthetics, using the new German EBGEO guidelines. The EBGEO method is also suitable when the slope protecton have to be designed on roads and inside the water accumulation pool

    Recentni strukturni sklop i probno ispitivanje jednostavno poduprtog mosta Pernica

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    Some structures and their relationships, positions in space and shifts represent the structural set of an area, as included within regional units, and smaller or larger portions of the earth\u27s crust known as the Earth\u27s plates and micro plates. The most important fact is that tectonic movements are always possible around the locations of considered bridges. Therefore, it is certainly necessary to define in detail their characteristics due to the potential impacts on individual bridges. A recent structural set was made for the Pernica bridge. To assess the bridge in micro sense the load test of the bridge was performed.Objekti i njihovi međusobni odnosi, mjesta u prostoru i promjene predstavljaju strukturni sklop područja, koji je uključen u područnim jedinicama i u manje ili veće dijelove Zemljine kore poznate kao Zemljine ploče i mikro-ploče. Najvažnija je činjenica da su tektonski pokreti uvijek prisutni oko mjesta promatranja mosta. Dakle, svakako je potrebno preciznije definirati karakteristike strukturnog sklopa zbog mogućeg utjecaja na pojedine dijelove mosta. Recentni strukturni sklop tako je bio napravljen za jednostavno poduprt most Pernica. Da bi se ocijenila sigurnost prilikom upotrebe, napravljeno je i probno ispitivanje mosta

    Deformation Analysis of Bridges in Exceptional Transports in Slovenia

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    In August 1999 an exceptional transportation of two steamers of 666 tonnes was performed from the Port of Koper to the Nuclear power plant in Krško. The transport covered a distance of about 200km and represented one of the largest exceptional transports in Slovenia ever. Finding the best route represented one of the major issues, because the steamers had to cross more than 50 problematic sections and bridges, most of which have not been designed for such heavy loads. It was necessary to load-test almost all bridges on the route to determine whether those bridges need any extra supports or not. Consequently, a logistic operator has an important and indispensable role and becomes a co-modeller of logistic service. A deformation analysis or a polynomial interpolation of vertical displacements could also be used. Therefore, a laboratory load test of a concrete plate was made. The concrete plate was loaded with hydraulic cylinder PZ 100 with extensiometer up to 21kN. Every increase of load by 3kN was measured with Nikon Ser 800 total station. KEY WORDS: deformation analysis, exceptional transport, bridges in Sloveni

    Matematička analiza mjerenih pomaka s naglaskom na polinomnoj interpolaciji

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    At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the University of Maribor, in the Centre for Geodesy, we have been primarily dealing with the study of displacements and application of results on deformations and mathematical analyses for the last 10 years. According to these results, we wanted to find a connection between displacements and resulting deformations in mathematical terms. For this purpose, experimental load-bearing test of a concrete girder was carried out step by step up to crack. Additionally, concrete girder was analytically modelled and also photogrammetric, geodetic, and physical methods were compared. During the process of analyzing the results, further polynomial interpolation was performed through which the displacements in the intermediate stages were calculated. Polynomial interpolation can also help in accomplishment of load-bearing experiments of larger structures.Na Građevinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Mariboru, na Odsjeku za geodeziju, bavili smo se, u posljednjih 10 godina, prvenstveno proučavanjem pomaka i primjenom rezultata deformacija te matematičkim analizama. Prema ovim rezultatima, željeli smo otkriti vezu između pomaka i nastalih deformacija u matematičkom smislu. U tu svrhu, postupno je provedeno pokusno ispitivanje nosivosti betonskog nosača sve do njegova pucanja. Osim toga, betonski nosač analitički je modeliran te su uspoređene fotogrametrijske, geodetske i fizikalne metode. Tijekom postupka analize rezultata provedena je nadalje polinomna interpolacija, kojom su izračunati pomaci u srednjim fazama. Polinomna interpolacija također može pomoći u provođenju pokusa nosivosti većih građevinskih objekata

    Lumbalni spinalni apcesi

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    Na spinalni apsces trebalo bi se posumnjati kod svakog pacijenta s bolovima u leđima, povišenom tjelesnom temperaturom i pojačanom osjetljivošću kralježnice. Rizični faktori za razvoj epiduralnog apscesa su dijabetes, intavenska zloupotreba droga, kronično bubrežno zatajenje, alkoholizam. SEA je češto povezan s spondilitisom i spondilocistitisom. Najčešće prezentirajući simptom je bol u leđima. Obično se prezentira probadajućom boli koja je lokalizirana iznad kralježnice. Bolno područje je mekano na dodir. Kasnije se pojave radikularni simptomi s distalnim neurološkim deficitom, retencijom urina i stola, abdominalnom distenzijom i slabošću koja može napredovat do para i kvadriplegije. Diferencijalno dijagnostički u obzir dolaze: meningitis, akutni transverzalni mijelitis, hernijacija diska i tumori leđne moždine. Do pojave spinalnog apscesa može doći hematogeno širenjem iz udaljenog izvora infekcije, ijatrogeno, širenjem infekcije s okolnih struktura i okolne površine tijela ili direktnom inokulacijom putem kirurških instrumenata, injekcija i katetera. Apsces može uzrokovati velik broj mikroorganizma. Za veliku većinu je odgovoran Staphylococcus aureus, slijede ga ostali aerobni i anaerobni streptokoki i Esherichia coli. Radiološka pretraga izbora za SEA je gadolinijom-pojačan MR i CT s kontrastom. Može se liječiti antibioticima. Antibiotska terapija traje od 4-8 tjedana, ovisno o tijeku bolesti. Može se liječiti i kirurškom drenažom gnoja i debridmanom granulacijskoga tkiva i, po potrebi, stabilizacijom okolnog koštanog tkiva. Letalitet je od 18-23%. Do smrtnog ishoda uglavnom dolazi zbog sepse i to kod pacijenata s više komorbiditeta.Spinal abscess should be considered in a patient with back pain, fever and spine tenderness. The major risk factors are diabetes, intravenous drug abuse, chronic renal failure, alcoholism. It is often associated with vertebral osteomyelitis and intervertebral discitis. It usually presents with excruiating pain localized over spine, tender to percussion. Radicular symptoms follow with distal neurological deficits, often beginning with bowel or bladder disfunction, abdominal distension and weakness progressing to para and quadriplegia. Differential diagnosis of SEA includes meningitis, acute transverse myelitis, intervertebral disc herniation and spinal cord tumors. It can develop via hematogenous spread from a distant source such as skin or respiratory or urinary tract; from contiguous foci of infection such as the psoas muscle or vertebra; or by direct inoculation through spinal instrumentation, injection, or catheter placement. It can be caused by various microorganisms. The most common one is Staphylococcus aureus, followed by aerobic and anaerobic streptococcus and Esherichia coli. The radiographic tests of choice for diagnosing SEA are gadolinium-enhanced MR and CT scan with intravenous contrast. It can be treated with antibiotics. Depending on various factors, 4-8 weeks of antibiotic therapy is recommended. It can also be treated surgicaly by drainage of pus and debridement of granulation tissue, and bony stabilization if necessary. It is fatal in 18-23% of cases and death is generally due to overwhelming sepsis and typically occurs in patients with multiple comorbidities

    Lumbalni spinalni apcesi

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    Na spinalni apsces trebalo bi se posumnjati kod svakog pacijenta s bolovima u leđima, povišenom tjelesnom temperaturom i pojačanom osjetljivošću kralježnice. Rizični faktori za razvoj epiduralnog apscesa su dijabetes, intavenska zloupotreba droga, kronično bubrežno zatajenje, alkoholizam. SEA je češto povezan s spondilitisom i spondilocistitisom. Najčešće prezentirajući simptom je bol u leđima. Obično se prezentira probadajućom boli koja je lokalizirana iznad kralježnice. Bolno područje je mekano na dodir. Kasnije se pojave radikularni simptomi s distalnim neurološkim deficitom, retencijom urina i stola, abdominalnom distenzijom i slabošću koja može napredovat do para i kvadriplegije. Diferencijalno dijagnostički u obzir dolaze: meningitis, akutni transverzalni mijelitis, hernijacija diska i tumori leđne moždine. Do pojave spinalnog apscesa može doći hematogeno širenjem iz udaljenog izvora infekcije, ijatrogeno, širenjem infekcije s okolnih struktura i okolne površine tijela ili direktnom inokulacijom putem kirurških instrumenata, injekcija i katetera. Apsces može uzrokovati velik broj mikroorganizma. Za veliku većinu je odgovoran Staphylococcus aureus, slijede ga ostali aerobni i anaerobni streptokoki i Esherichia coli. Radiološka pretraga izbora za SEA je gadolinijom-pojačan MR i CT s kontrastom. Može se liječiti antibioticima. Antibiotska terapija traje od 4-8 tjedana, ovisno o tijeku bolesti. Može se liječiti i kirurškom drenažom gnoja i debridmanom granulacijskoga tkiva i, po potrebi, stabilizacijom okolnog koštanog tkiva. Letalitet je od 18-23%. Do smrtnog ishoda uglavnom dolazi zbog sepse i to kod pacijenata s više komorbiditeta.Spinal abscess should be considered in a patient with back pain, fever and spine tenderness. The major risk factors are diabetes, intravenous drug abuse, chronic renal failure, alcoholism. It is often associated with vertebral osteomyelitis and intervertebral discitis. It usually presents with excruiating pain localized over spine, tender to percussion. Radicular symptoms follow with distal neurological deficits, often beginning with bowel or bladder disfunction, abdominal distension and weakness progressing to para and quadriplegia. Differential diagnosis of SEA includes meningitis, acute transverse myelitis, intervertebral disc herniation and spinal cord tumors. It can develop via hematogenous spread from a distant source such as skin or respiratory or urinary tract; from contiguous foci of infection such as the psoas muscle or vertebra; or by direct inoculation through spinal instrumentation, injection, or catheter placement. It can be caused by various microorganisms. The most common one is Staphylococcus aureus, followed by aerobic and anaerobic streptococcus and Esherichia coli. The radiographic tests of choice for diagnosing SEA are gadolinium-enhanced MR and CT scan with intravenous contrast. It can be treated with antibiotics. Depending on various factors, 4-8 weeks of antibiotic therapy is recommended. It can also be treated surgicaly by drainage of pus and debridement of granulation tissue, and bony stabilization if necessary. It is fatal in 18-23% of cases and death is generally due to overwhelming sepsis and typically occurs in patients with multiple comorbidities

    Most common injuries in childhood in home evironment

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    Teoretična izhodišča: Otroci so večkrat žrtev poškodb v domačem okolju. Žrtev poškodb, katere bi se dalo preprečiti, ali z varovali, ki preprečujejo dostop do nevarnega predmeta ali prostora, ali morebiti z odstranitvijo nevarnosti iz prostora, domačega okolja. Na trgu obstaja veliko varoval za domače okolje, kot na primer: varovala za vtičnice, za štedilnik, za robove na pohištvu, in podobno. Najboljše varovalo pa je seveda pazljivost, navzočnost starša, ko otrok spoznava in se uči o novih stvareh. Metodologija raziskovanja: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna in kvantitativna metodologija. Podatke smo pridobili z uporabo anketnega vprašalnika zaprtega tipa in jih analizirali s pomočjo programa Microsoft Excel 2016 in Microsoft Word 2016. Raziskavo smo naredili v pomurski regiji, med starši, ki niso mlajši od 18 let in imajo otroke stare več ko eno leto. Rezultati: Čez raziskavo smo ugotovili, da starši relativno dobro poznajo nevarnosti za otroka v domačem okolju in so seznanjeni z načini preprečevanja poškodb otrok, ampak se še vseeno poškoduje 60 % otrok. Ugotovili smo tudi, da se z višjo izobrazbo ne znižuje tveganje za poškodbo otroka. Starši po večini redno uporabljajo varovala v stanovanju, le 18 % jih nikoli ne uporablja. Sklep: Otroci so podvrženi velikemu tveganju za poškodbe v domačem okolju. Poškodbe po večini niso življenjsko ogrožajoče in so posledica kratke nepazljivosti in nenavzočnosti staršev. Podatki iz raziskave kažejo, da je največ poškodb med 3-5 letom starosti, saj takrat otrok največ, samostojno, raziskuje in spoznava. Torej je pomembno v tem obdobju biti ob otroku in mu zagotoviti varen vstop v svet samostojnosti.Teoretical background: Children are most commonly injured in home environment. They are victims of injuries which can be prevented by using safety equipment to restrict access to dangerous places or hazards or by eliminating risk factor from the home environment. On the market there are many options for creating safe home environment for kids. For example: safety socket, safety for stove, for edges on furniture and so on. But no matter what, the best method is still presence and carefulness of parents. Research methodology: Descriptive and quantitative methodology was used in our research. We obtained data using a close-type questionnaire and analyzed them using Microsoft Excel 2016 and Microsoft Word 2016. The research was done in Pomurje region, between parents who are not younger than 18 years old and have kids older than 1 year. Results: Through the research we have found out that parents are relatively good in knowing the risks, that a child can be exposed to and they are also aware of how to prevent injuries in children. But still 60 % of children got themselves injured. We have found that greater education does not affect the reduction of the prevalence of injuries. Parents regularly use safety equipment in home environment and only 18 % have never used them. Conclusion: Children are at high risk of injury in home environment. Injuries are generally not life-threatening and are the result of the short negligence and lack of presence of the parents. The data from the research show that the majority of injuries occur between 3-5 years of age, since the child is the most, independently, investigating and learning. Therefore, it is important that during this life period, children have greater parental guidance, so they can learn how to enter into the world of independence safety